My Girl

My Girl

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

My Beautiful Birthday Girl

My baby turns a whopping 5 years old on Sunday. Man, time flies!! As I look back at pictures of my beautiful little girl, it gives me chills to think of how much she's grown and matured in 5 short years.
She was born on Monday, February 1, 2010, at 4:16 in the afternoon after 6 hours of terrifying "first-time mom" labor. She came out as a whopping 6 pounds 10 ounces of screaming perfection and she hasn't stopped screaming yet.
She was a perfect baby, ate like a champ and slept even better. Sleeping through the night at 3 weeks? Man, I'm gonna rock this mom thing. I couldn't have asked for a better baby. Then... perfection ended. She turned into a "don't touch that" "get down from there" "don't put that in your mouth" "I'm going to count to 3, eight times" mobile crawler. Literally, everything went in her mouth... shoes, food, soap, even glass one time. Yeah, little "Hoover" ate glass from a dropped baby food jar - trip Numero Uno to the ER. And this just as a crawler. Then, walking. Lord... it's like the "Terrible Twos" started at 14 months. With walking came climbing... on everything, including the recliner in our living which she took a nose dive off of and knocked herself out - trip Numero Dos to the ER with a concussion. At 14 months I knew she was hardheaded. Little did I know how hardheaded this child would eventually become.
Terrible Twos - ohhh lawd - help me. You want to talk about a strong-willed child? I knew I needed Jesus the first time she hit me in the face and pointed her finger at me and said "no." Testing my patience from the very beginning. You always have an idea of what type of parent you'll be before you have kids. Well, you might as well throw everything you've ever thought about being as a parent in the trash because it's not going to happen. From warming bottles in the microwave, to throwing away the bottle sanitizer, thinking you'll buy fresh fruits and veggies to make your own baby food, changing diapers on those disgusting changing tables in bathrooms, letting them put dropped pacifiers back in their mouths and eating food off the floor - yup, I let all that go. I've done all the things I swore I'd never do as a parent and she's just fine.
I've watched her go from a perfect, angel baby to a strong-willed toddler and then to a lively, backtalking preschooler and I wouldn't have it any other way. She has fiery spirit and a way with words which most adult don't possess. She has her father's amazing sense of humor and taste in music and my smart mouth and uncanny ability to bargain and talk her way out of trouble. She has an opinion about everything from picking out her own clothes to specifically how she wants her hair done. She's loving and she's not afraid to show it. You absolutely cannot walk out of her bedroom at night without at least a million hugs, kisses, I Love Yous and please don't leave yets.
They say "time flies when you're having fun" and that couldn't be more true. I've had an absolute blast being her mom and I can't ever remember there being a dull moment when she was around. From jumping on the bed to making up jokes and song, she's the reason I smile everyday and my heart is filled with joy. She's my heartbeat and I can't wait to be her mom for the rest of my life. I can't wait to watch her grow up and grow into my best friend.
So to my baby girl on your almost 5th birthday - Mommy is so incredibly proud of you. I can't wait to watch you turn into a smart, talented, loving, beautiful young lady and I love you to the ends of the Earth and back.

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